

International Advisory Committee

Qingyan  ChenHong Kong Polytechnic UniversityChina
Ted Stathopoulos Concordia University Canada
Jan  Hensen Eindhoven University of TechnologyThe Netherlands
Yuguo  Li University of Hong Kong China
Mattheos SantamourisUniversity New South WalesAustralia
Andrew  PersilyNational Institute of Standards and TechnologyUSA
Xudong  YangTsinghua UniversityChina
Jianshun  ZhangSyracuse UniversityUSA
Tengfei  ZhangDalian University of TechnologyChina
Wang LiangzhuConcordia University Canada
Jianlei  NiuHong Kong Polytechnic UniversityChina
Yanping  YuanSouthwest Jiaotong UniversityChina
John  ZhaiUniversity of Colorado BoulderUSA
Da  YanTsinghua UniversityChina
Jan  CarmelietETH of ZurichSwitzerland
Dominique DeromeUniversity of SherbrookeCanada

Conference Program Chairs 

Marcel LoomansEindhoven University of TechnologyThe Netherlands
Roel LoonenEindhoven University of TechnologyThe Netherlands
Pieter-Jan HoesEindhoven University of TechnologyThe Netherlands
Lada Hensen CentnerováEindhoven University of TechnologyThe Netherlands
Rick KramerEindhoven University of TechnologyThe Netherlands
Mariëlle AartsEindhoven University of TechnologyThe Netherlands
Juliëtte van DuijnhovenEindhoven University of TechnologyThe Netherlands
Cédric Van hoorickxEindhoven University of TechnologyThe Netherlands
Corinna GeigerEindhoven University of TechnologyThe Netherlands
Thijs van DruenenEindhoven University of TechnologyThe Netherlands
Qingliang YuEindhoven University of TechnologyThe Netherlands
Katrin SchollbachEindhoven University of TechnologyThe Netherlands
Florent GauvinEindhoven University of TechnologyThe Netherlands

International Scientific Committee

Peter HolzerInstitue of Building Research & InnovationAustria
Christina HopfeTU GrazAustria
Jelle LavergeGhent UniversityBelgium
Douaa Al-AssaadKU LeuvenBelgium
Hilde BreeschKU LeuvenBelgium
Staf RoelsKU LeuvenBelgium
Dirk SaelensKU LeuvenBelgium
Sandy JorensUniversity of AntwerpBelgium
Ivan VerhaertUniversity of AntwerpBelgium
Jeroen van BeeckVon Karman InstitueBelgium
Andreas AthienitisConcordia UniversityCanada
Fariborz HaghighatConcordia UniversityCanada
Bruno LeeConcordia UniversityCanada
Mohamed OufConcordia UniversityCanada
Djordje RomanicMcGill UniversityCanada
Umberto BerardiToronto Metropolitan UniversityCanada
Alan FungToronto Metropolitan UniversityCanada
Sébastien PoncetUniversité de SherbrookeCanada
Adam RyasnekUniversity of British ColumbiaCanada
Girma BitsuamlakWestern UniversityCanada
Ian Beausoleil-MorrisonCarleton UniversityCanada
Michael LacasseNational Research Council CanadaCanada
Qihong DengCentral South UniversityChina
Jianlin LiuDonghua UniversityChina
Richard YuenHong Kong City UniversityChina
Yichen YuHong Kong Polytechnic UniversityChina
Zhengtao AiHunan UniversityChina
Dayi LaiShanghai Jiao Tong UniversityChina
Shi-Jie CaoSoutheast UniversityChina
Jian HangSun Yat-Sen UniversityChina
Xuelin ZhangSun Yat-sen UniversityChina
Chun ChenThe Chinese University of Hong KongChina
Cheuk Ming MakThe Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityChina
Ruoyu YouThe Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityChina
Wei LiuTianjin UniversityChina
Naiping GaoTongji UniversityChina
Peter NielsenAalborg UniversityDenmark
Chen ZhangAalborg UniversityDenmark
Parham A. MirzaeiAarhus UniversityDenmark
Menghao QinTechnical Univeristy of DenmarkDenmark
Pawel WargockiTechnical Univeristy of DenmarkDenmark
Bjarne OlesenTechnical University of DenmarkDenmark
Targo KalameesTallinn University of TechnologyEstonia
Juha VinhaTampere UniversityFinland
Romain GuichardINRS FranceFrance
Emmanuel BozonnetUniversité de La RochelleFrance
John BynumARUP IrelandIreland
Rubina RamponiARUP IrelandIreland
Jennifer KeenahanUniversity College DublinIreland
Magdalena HajdukiewiczUniversity of GalwayIreland
Michele ZinziENEA - TERIN-SENItaly
Giacomo ChiesaPolitecnico di TorinoItaly
Fellini SofiaPolitecnico di TorinoItaly
Benedetto NastasiTor Vergata University of RomeItaly
Annamaria BuonomanoUniversità degli Studi Federico II di NapoliItaly
Corrado TrombettaUniversità Mediterranea Di Reggio ClabriaItaly
Massimiliano BurlandoUniversity of GenoaItaly
Katia PeriniUniversity of GenoaItaly
Maria Pia RepettoUniversity of GenoaItaly
Riccardo BuccolieriUniversity of SalentoItaly
Yoshihide TominagaNiigata Institute of TechnologyJapan
Shinsuke KatoUniversity of TokyoJapan
Hideki KikumotoUniversity of TokyoJapan
Shin-Ichi TanabeWaseda UniversityJapan
Clara Garcia SanchezTU DelftNetherlands
Guangyu CaoNorwegian University of Science and TechnologyNorway
Laurent GeorgesNorwegian University of Science and TechnologyNorway
Knut Erik Teigen GiljarhusUniversity of StavangerNorway
Florin BodeTechnical University of Cluj-NapocaRomania
Lup Wai ChewNational University of SingaporeSingapore
POH Hee Joo
National University of Singapore
Angela KalagasidisChalmers UniversitySweden
Dolaana KhovalygÉcole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)Switzerland
Yongling ZhaoETH ZurichSwitzerland
Aytaç KubilayETH ZurichSwitzerland
Chi-Ming LaiNational Cheng-Kung UniversityTaiwan
Amirul KhanLeeds UniversityUnited Kingdom
Catherine NoakesLeeds UniversityUnited Kingdom
Xiang ZhangArizona State UniversityUSA
Ahmed C. MegriNorth Carolina A&T State UniversityUSA
Julian WangPenn State UniversityUSA
Panagiota KaravaPurdue UniversityUSA
Bing DongSyracuse UniversityUSA
Chao-Hsin LinThe Boeing CompanyUSA
Stefano SchiavonUC BerkeleyUSA
Weimin WangUNC CharlotteUSA
Wangda ZuoUniversity of Colorado BoulderUSA
Jelena SrebricUniversity of MarylandUSA
Zoltan NagyUniversity of Texas at AustinUSA
Gang TanUniversity of WyomingUSA
Shichao LiuWorcester Polytechnic InstituteUSA

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