Scholarship application

COBEE 2025 is pleased to announce a limited number of scholarships to support eligible participants from developing countries, as defined based on the "Research4life" database: The list of countries can be found here:

These scholarships are designed to provide financial assistance to individuals who are interested in attending the conference by providing full waiver of the registration fee and conference dinner.

Interested applicants can send an email to with email subject "Application for COBEE 2025 scholarship". Please indicate in the body text of the email the full name, current affiliation, and the title and code assigned by Conftool during the the short abstract submission earlier in November 2024 and accepted for either poster or oral presentation.

Additionally, the following documents must be attached to the email as well:
1. Curriculum vitae: to highlight the relevant experience and educational qualifications of the applicant (max 3 pages).
2. Letter of recommendation: a letter of recommendation or academic referee from applicant's supervisor (max 3 pages).
3. Proof of current employment: an official document confirming the current employment of the applicant (max 1 page).

The applications will be evaluated by an internal committee of COBEE 2025 and the top five will be selected for the scholarship. Submitting an incomplete documentation may result in the exclusion of the candidate from the final ranking.
Please note that applicants awarded with a scholarship are required to submit either a full paper or an extended abstract.

Application deadline: 15 March 2025 

If you require assistance with the application, please do not hesitate to contact us at

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